A Case Study For Bioion Kobe Oji Zoo, Japan September 2010
Kobe Oji Zoo were having problems with odours in the building as well as seriously injured or sick animals to be addressed.
The BIOION Sanitizer / BIOION Pets Pounce was introduced and used here. The following are some examples:
Case 1 Asian elephant "Suwako" pressure sores (Yokusou same) and treatment of nail abscess
The oldest Japan (age 64) Suwako the Asian elephant is heavy weight, at night while lying down to sleep, the in ankle is susceptible to injury in the subcutaneous issue and skin near the cheek. The affected areas are cleaned using BIOION daily to prevent progression and recurrence, after using BIOION the problem has been eradicated and cleaned. Crack and abscesses inside the brittle nails are also washed using BIOION.
案例1 Suwako,日本最长寿的亚洲大象(64岁)以它的重量在夜间而躺着睡。脚踝和附近的脸颊容易受伤害。每日利用生物离子洁净受影响的部位以防止恶化和复发,在使用后问题已被根除。裂纹盒指甲脆内脓肿也可以利用生物离子BIOION洗。

Case 2 Treatment of Pressure ulcers (Yokusou same) for Minamishirosai
Minamishirosai (age 23, male) with estimated weight of more than two tons had pressure sores on the outside of the thigh. As in the daily use of BIOION on Suwako, the Asian Elephant, the product has been used here as well to eradicate and control the pressure sores.
案例2 Minamishirosai(23岁,雄性)估计超过2吨的体重为面对大腿的外压疮问题。如像亚洲大象Suwako在日常使用生物离子BIOION,该也可被被用来消除和控制压疮。

Case 3 Abscess (Youbunouyou come) on cheek of deer
The deer are grazing animals, so they have a common problem of abscess on the cheek skin caused stems of plants. To clean the surgical area during surgery to remove an abscess, BIOION was used.
案例3 鹿属放牧的动物,所以它们对皮肤造成的脸颊脓肿常见的问题,在手术过程中采用生物离子BIOION清理手术区并消除脓肿。